Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Right before Christmas my mom and dad came down for the weekend to lend a little hand.  My dad brought a truck load of insulation and sheetrock so that we could start finishing part of our basement to add a little room and my mom and I decided to leave the babies behind and take the older girls for a much needed girls weekend out.  We left the boys, got babysitters for the babies and headed to a fun hotel about 2 hours away.  They have this really fun water park that we had a blast at.  We shopped, at out, and went swimming until our hearts were content.  The girls had so much fun and I enjoyed my weekend with them.  Matt ended up getting really sick so my dad and some friends ended up hanging most of the sheetrock.  Thank you to everyone who made that weekend possible for me and the girls.  And a special thanks to Mom and Dad....We love you! :)

Here are a few pictures of us at the water park.


Cheri and David said...

Hey- I know that waterpark! We've had some fun times there as well. It must've been nice to sneak away for a few days! Your mom does sound like an angel for sure! The kids are adorable!

Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

You must have some pretty awesome men to leave them with the babies!
Looks like fun =)

Andria said...

What a blast! Seems so odd for January! I'm glad you all had some fun.

Her Royal Highness said...

Oooh how fun for you! It's always nice to get away!

Lisa & Gerald said...

Welcome back to the blogging world, Im always stopping by every now and then.
I guess I better start reading your post's
Hope you have a great Day!
Hope your weathers is warming up too!
with some sun hope we can say good bye to the snow now!

idasale said...

Kinda random I know but I was wondering where this water park is I found your blog through a friend of mine and really looking for somewhere to get away with my kids so if you could email me so you don't have to reveal in public my email is l ys s a 26_ @ hot mail .com just take out the spaces